Quantum Machine Learning Fundamentals Course
Our Chief Science Officer and lead scientist, Dr. Laia Domingo has curated a quantum machine learning fundamentals introductory course for anyone to begin their QML journey! Get started below.
Now includes Chapters 5 & 6: QML for Medical Imaging Lessons & Certification!
'The best QML course I found yet'
'Awesome course'
'Little to no Linear Algebra to complete'
'Demystifying the complexities of QML'
'Accessible and engaging'
'Comprehensive and engaging curriculum'
'Concepts of great complexity explained in a clear and easy-to-understand manner'
'Accessible and understandable for everyone'
'The best QML course I found yet' 'Awesome course' 'Little to no Linear Algebra to complete' 'Demystifying the complexities of QML' 'Accessible and engaging' 'Excellent' 'Comprehensive and engaging curriculum' 'Concepts of great complexity explained in a clear and easy-to-understand manner' 'Accessible and understandable for everyone'
Scroll down to get started. Otherwise, click below to enroll.
Looking for a hands-on workshops or tailored curriculum?
The course includes visualizations and lessons unique to our upcoming Quantum Hub platform
You’ll earn a Certificate of Completion once you successfully complete the Chapter 4 Assessment
If you have any questions, please post them in our Discord Server in #qml-fundamentals
Chapter 1: Introduction (20+ mins)
Chapter 2: Qubits (25+ mins)
Chapter 3: Quantum Circuits (50+ mins)
Lesson 1: Quantum computing paradigms
Lesson 2: Circuit visualizations
Lesson 3: X gate
Lesson 4: Z gate
Lesson 5: The Pauli-Y gate
Lesson 6: The Hadamard gate
Lesson 7: Arbitrary Rotations
Chapter 8: Controlled Operations and the CNOT Gate
Chapter 9: Complexity of quantum circuits
Chapter 10: Your first quantum algorithm
Assessment 3
Chapter 4: Quantum Neural Networks (60+ mins)
Lesson 1: Future advantages of QML
Lesson 2: Current advantages of QML
Lesson 3: Introduction to Quantum Neural Networks
Lesson 4: Data Encoding
Lesson 5: Variational circuits
Lesson 6: Optimization process
Lesson 7: Entangling capacity and expressibility
Lesson 8: Building a quantum neural network
Assessment 4
Chapter 5 (90+ mins)
Chapter 6 (120+ mins)
Dr. Laia Domingo
Laia is an experienced scientist and educator with a Masters in Data Science and a PhD in Quantum Machine Learning from ICMAT. Alongside teaching Quantum Machine Learning at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Dr. Domingo’s work at Ingenii is focused on accelerating the adoption of quantum machine learning solutions for life and environmental science industries.
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