Our community celebrates quantum collaboration and innovation by bringing together scientists, developers, and enthusiasts from all levels to focus on near-term, high impact solutions.


Bringing together quantum scientists on our Discord server and more.


Quantum for Real-World Impact

We've entered into the XPRIZE Quantum Applications competition, organized by Google Quantum AI and the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA). This is a 3-year, global competition designed to generate quantum computing (QC) algorithms that can be put into practice to help solve real-world challenges. And the winning team will be rewarded with $5M!

Our submission will be focused on quantum applications in medical imaging. We’re opening up our team to 2 external scientists and giving our community members the first opportunity to apply.

Clinical Trials Optimization Quantum Competition

Participants are tasked with optimizing patient selection for clinical trials using quantum computing. This challenge presents an opportunity to apply cutting-edge technology to a critical area of healthcare, aiming for real-world impact and efficiency improvements.

First prize will receive $500 cash, a research internship* (conditional upon solution adoption), a spotlight on Ingenii’s LinkedIn & Discord, and a research presentation opportunity.

Open now through September 30th.